We climbed every colossus for our Shadow of the Colossus PS4 remake review. Sony made a big splash at E3 by showing off a PlayStation 4 version of Shadow of the Colossus, but what is the game they showed, exactly? The Shadow of the Colossus remake contains a new collectible challenge that unlocks a new reward The Sword of Dormin. The Shadow of the Colossus remake often improves upon the 2005 original, but at what cost? Everything you need to know about the Shadow of the Colossus remake, including latest news, release date, trailers, and more! From a technical perspective, it pus Shadow of the Colossus remake developer Bluepoint Games is developing another 'classic' game for current-gen consoles according to several job listings. Version Tested: PlayStation 4 (Played On a Launch PS4) Team ICOs titles have taken on almost a mythical status among PlayStation Exclusives. The Shadow of the Colossus remake on PS4 is a perfect cover song Technology finally catches up to a game ahead of its time Warning: This article contains major spoilers for Shadow of the Colossus. The PlayStation 4 remake of Shadow of the Colossus is a sad experience. Shadow of the Colossus is an excellent remake of one of the most critically acclaimed video games in history. Rebuilt from the ground up, is this the same beloved game we remember? Version Tested: PlayStation 4 (Played On a Launch PS4) Team ICOs titles have taken on almost a mythical status among PlayStation Exclusives. The PlayStation 4 remake of Shadow of the Colossus is a sad experience. Shadow of Colossus will forever and always be a pinnacle of video games. Sony announced a remake of Shadow of the Colossus for the PlayStation 4 during their Electronic Entertainment Expo 2017 press conference. Watch Queue Queue The Shadow of Colossus on the PlayStation 4 has everything you'd expect in 'Shadow of the Colossus' remake turns rose-tinted memories into something real. This should be in the library of any PS4 owner. Of course, the big focus of the remake is the graphical update brought to the game. Check out all 38 trophies for PS4 exclusive Shadow of the Colossus Remaster. Sign in now to see your channels and recommendations! Metacritic Game Reviews, Shadow of the Colossus for PlayStation 4, Tales speak of an ancient realm where Colossi roam the majestic landscape. The classic has returned and apparently does even better than the original. Reverence can be blinding, but Bluepoint Games' Shadow of the Colossus remake uses it as a guiding light instead. When game developers discuss their biggest influences, the beloved PS2 title Shadow of the Colossus is bound to come up. There's a reason why Team Ico's Shadow of the Colossus commands so much love and respect from the PlayStation audience. The Shadow Of The Colossus PS4 remaster has made an excellent debut in the UK, topping the sales charts and selling much more at launch than the original release Since Shadow of the Colossus remake released, intrepid treasure hunters have been locating new collectable coins throughout the world. Sign in. Shadow of the Colossus remake studio Bluepoint has revealed that it's working on an even bigger remake for its next project. Check out all 38 trophies for PS4 exclusive Shadow of the Colossus Remaster. Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Remake Trophy List Revealed. Shadow of Colossus Remake is undergoing some serious changes. Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Remake Trophy List Revealed. Of course, the big focus of the remake is the graphical update brought to the game. After being announced at E3 this year, Shadow of the Colossus's PS4 remake became one of the console's most anticipated games. Bluepoint Games' Next Project Is a Remake Bigger Than Shadow of the Colossus